بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
كتاب: صدمة ثقافية Culture shock! Egypt
المؤلف: Susan L Wilson ويل مكنيس
الطبعة: 2011م
عدد المجلدات: 1
عدد الصفحات: 357
الحجم بالميجا: 5.61
Today, Egypt is a developing North African country of over
60 million people facing new challenges as it moves through
the 21st century. Egypt is a land of proud, honourable families,
each trying to do the same things families do everywhere in
the world within the confi nes of their government, religion,
culture and values. Like people everywhere, they concern
themselves with love, work, family, doing the ‘right’ things and
having their children grow up to be ‘good’ people.
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كتاب: صدمة ثقافية Culture shock! Egypt
المؤلف: Susan L Wilson ويل مكنيس
الطبعة: 2011م
عدد المجلدات: 1
عدد الصفحات: 357
الحجم بالميجا: 5.61
Today, Egypt is a developing North African country of over
60 million people facing new challenges as it moves through
the 21st century. Egypt is a land of proud, honourable families,
each trying to do the same things families do everywhere in
the world within the confi nes of their government, religion,
culture and values. Like people everywhere, they concern
themselves with love, work, family, doing the ‘right’ things and
having their children grow up to be ‘good’ people.
كتاب بصيغة pdf
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